Frequently Asked Questions
"Who decides the winner?"
Winning the challenge is entirely up to you (the challenger). If you complete the challenge - you win the prize.
"How do you mitigate cheating?"
I will be personally analysing each photo as they are posted to the link. Each photo taken will also be timestamped to ensure they are uploaded during the eating window.
How do you distribute the winnings?
This depends on how many challengers complete the challenge.
For example if 10 people complete Challenge #1. Those 10 people will receive $100 each. $1,000 divided by 10 winners.
"How much does it cost to enter?"
Challenge #1 is completely FREE to enter. All you have to do is register.
"What happens if I forget to post my photo?"
Anyone who forgets to upload their photo during each meal window is eliminated from that challenge.
"Is coaching available?"
Yes. 1-on-1 coaching is available during the entire challenge. As the coach, my sole goal is to see you complete the challenge and upgrade your lifestyle.
"What's The Catch?"
Honestly, there is no catch. I just want to help people perform better, and feel better about themselves. Eating this way will do that.
How do you police the meal windows? What happens if I post at 10:30am on the dot?
All meal windows are subject to strictly between the two time slots only. FOR EXAMPLE:
Meal Window 1’s time slot is 5:30am - 10:30am.
That means that only submissions between 5:30:00 to 10:29:59 are deemed acceptable.
Any body submitting their meal photo before 5:30:00 & after 10:29:59 will be eliminated from winning the challenge.
What happens if I am eliminated from the challenge?
Anybody eliminated from the challenge is disqualified from winning the cash prize. All users in the challenge WILL continuously be sent links to post their photo however.
We highly recommend you continue to post even if you are eliminated. This increases your chances of forming this habit; essentially bettering your chances for future challenges!
So... Just to clarify - The only way I am out of the challenge is if I forget to post a photo in the meal window period?
There are a few ways you can be eliminated from the challenge. The scenario you mentioned is one way. Here are the others:
a) You don’t post your photo in the meal window period.
b) Your meal doesn’t meet the guidelines of the diet choice you selected.
c) The photo you upload in the meal window period is timestamped from outside that meal window.
d) You are consistently not meeting the minimum caloric demands from your 3 meal windows over multiple days (subject to discussion).
Anything reported as suspicious or noticed happening, users will be asked for a please explain before removal from the challenge.